christmas this year, was very low key, we haven't had a moment to ourselves for a couple of weeks, so we wanted to take things very easy and slow, starting out with a big lounge around breakfast! which we all made together as you can see:
my family ate french toast, in challah bread with bacon and sausage, which i could not partake in, i really didn't want to start out Christmas with a stomach ache so i made my version of oh she glows vegan blueberry vanilla pancake recipe, which i basically cut in half to make it into a single serving
Vanilla vegan blueberry pancakes with easy blueberry sauce
1/2cup and 2 tbsp of www flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/8tsp cinnamon,
1/8 tsp baking soda
a pinch of salt
1/4 cup almond milk (add more gradually as I'm not too sure about the measurements on this is)
1 and 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup warm water with
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/2 cup blueberries
Mixed together the dry ingredients and mixed them all together in a large bowl, separately mixed together all the wet ingredients, and mixed together by pouring the wet ingredients in and folding it into the dry. you want to add the blueberries in last so the batter wont turn blue
heat a skillet and use 1/4 cup to spoon the batter on to the skillet, flip once the batter begins to form holes and bubbles on the surface of the pancake
if you want to get a little more fancy and add blueberry sauce take 1/4 cup of blueberries, 1.5 tsp of chia seeds, vanilla extract and 2 table spoons of maple syrup, blend all together and microwave for a minute, then place in the refrigerator over night, to give it a jam like texture
for dinner we had torfurkey! a new dish for me, which was surprisingly delicious and liked by my whole family!
but now that Christmas has come and gone its time to get back on track with healthy eating
i started out today with chocolate peanut butter oats which did not come out right unfortunately, and delicious cups of honey dew melon! i love the colors of honey dew, its such a happy and vibrant green
its so pretty!!
and i had a very healthy smoothie for lunch, with a very small salad on the side
i was so tired i ended up just having tofurkey leftovers for dinner..oooh weell :)
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